Closing Date: 22nd April, 2024


A Non-Profit Organization is a Cincinnati-based nonprofit law firm whose mission is to create fair, intelligent, redemptive criminal justice systems through zealous client-centered advocacy, innovative policy reform, and cross-sector community education. We work to substantially reduce the size and racial disparity of Ohio's prison population, as well as to protect the rights and dignity of incarcerated people. We serve people in the community through our Second Chance Project by removing criminal-records-based barriers to employment, housing, education, and full community integration.

An estimated 1.9 million Ohioans—1 in 6 of our neighbors—have a criminal record. People with records face lifelong barriers to obtaining and retaining gainful employment, acquiring an education, finding stable housing, becoming professionally licensed, and more. Further, with rapidly expanding use of background checks, employers and landlords routinely exclude applicants with records, leaving people at risk for financial instability and/or homelessness, thereby stunting future progress indefinitely.

The Staff Attorney will support the Second Chance Project as follows: (a) provide direct legal services to people who have criminal records and/or prior contact with the criminal legal system; (b) participate in Second Chance Legal Clinics; (c) facilitate client communications and relationships; (d) engage in community outreach and education; (e) assist with data collection and management; (f) cross-train and work cases for OJPC's Beyond Guilt and Human Rights in Prison projects as needed.

Essential Functions:
  1. Engage with prospective clients to collect client and case backgrounds/histories, identify legal and non-legal issues, and research available tools to best address needs.
  2. Provide full, direct legal representation for individuals that are unable to adequately represent themselves.
  3. Participate in Second Chance Legal Clinics to screen people with criminal records, which includes evaluating eligibility for legal services and providing brief pro se legal advice or full representation to clinic participants.
  4. Become knowledgeable on the legal services provided by the Second Chance Project, including record sealing and expungement (R.C. 2953.32), safe harbor expungement (R.C. 2953.36), Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE) (R.C. 2953.25), and pardons (R.C. 2967.04).
  5. Build and maintain rapport with clients to secure engagement and consistent communication.
  6. Collaborate with the Second Chance Project team to conduct community presentations and trainings on OJPC's services and the legal tools available to people with criminal records.
  7. Engage with legal, social service, and re-entry organizations in the community to understand what services are available for people with criminal records, and provide trusted referrals as needed.
  8. Cultivate and leverage relationships with professionals in the criminal legal system, such as attorneys, clerks, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement officers, policy makers, and/or politicians.
  9. Cross-train and work cases for OJPC's Beyond Guilt project, which works with people who are currently incarcerated. Legal services for Beyond Guilt include but are not limited to: assistance with upcoming parole hearings, post-conviction motions to withdraw guilty plea, and post-conviction motions for judicial release.
  10. Cross-train and work cases for OJPC's Human Rights in Prison project, which works with people who are currently incarcerated and experiencing violations of rights, such as the right to medical care.

Administrative and Other Functions:
  1. Conduct client intake and information management, which includes organizing and maintaining digital and physical files. Input client information and data into OJPC's case management software. Regularly update Second Chance Project caseload tracker and other data-tracking tools.
  2. Review, analyze, and organize documents.
  3. Find, review, and discuss client case histories using online portals and/or documents like police reports and BCI/FBI background checks.
  4. Maintain and prepare data for funding and operational reports.
  5. Input timely and consistent updates to client files in OJPC case management software.
  6. Track resolution(s) of issues and input updates to OJPC case management software.
  7. Refer prospective or current client(s) to proper OJPC staff or other organizations.
  8. Meet with supervisor to review work plans, activities, and projects.
  9. Meet annually with supervisor for a performance review.

  1. Problem Solving
  2. Tenacity
  3. Thoroughness/Attention to Detail
  4. Teamwork Orientation
  5. High Level of Communication Skills and Interpersonal Skills
  6. Emotional Intelligence
  7. Personal Initiative
  8. Personal Effectiveness/Credibility
  9. Comfortable with using technology (e.g. Microsoft Suites, including Teams and Excel)

Minimum Qualifications:
  1. Admitted to the bar in the State of Ohio.
  2. Aptitude and compassion to work with clients who have been impacted by the criminal legal system.

Additional Qualifications:
  1. Excellent legal research and writing experience.
  2. An ability to provide victim-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally competent legal assistance to clients.
  3. An ability to work collaboratively in a variety of contexts and with multiple organizations/entities to facilitate comprehensive services to clients.
  4. Ability to write reports, correspondences, and procedure manuals.
  5. Experience with public speaking and/or conducting presentations.
  6. Knowledge of additional Microsoft Office software, such as Excel and PowerPoint.