
Job Overview:
The Spring's Legal Services Division Staff Attorney shall, under the supervision of the DCF IFP Project Managing Attorneys, provide legal advice and/or legal representation to survivors of domestic, dating or sexual violence or stalking seeking injunctions for protection, develop collaborative referral systems for survivors seeking injunctions for protection with various underserved populations in our community, and provide training and education around the particular legal needs of survivors of domestic violence.

Responsibilities and Duties:
  • Meet with survivors to provide legal advice to determine whether seeking an injunction is a safe and appropriate legal remedy.
  • Complete and file petitions for injunctions for survivors and represent survivors at the injunction hearing(s).
  • Represent survivors who have obtained temporary injunctions and subsequently request representation at the injunction hearing.
  • Represent survivors who have a final injunction for protection at a civil hearing for a violation of the injunction, or refer the violations to, and advocate with, the State Attorney's Office for prosecution.
  • Categories of legal services described above are the only legal services that may be provided to survivors by The Spring's Legal Services Division Staff Attorney

  • Conduct outreach in Hillsborough County to develop formal collaborative partnerships with entities such as law enforcement agencies, state attorneys, and agencies working with LGBTQ, immigrant, elder communities and persons with disabilities, health care providers, and faith-based organizations to develop survivor referral protocols and to offer additional venues for The Spring's Legal Services Division Staff Attorney to meet with survivors who are seeking injunctions for protection.
  • Provide training and education around the particular legal needs of survivors of domestic violence to the agencies, communities and entities described above.

Client Records
  • Maintain a separate file for each client that includes but is not limited to: copies of all pleadings and court orders and other court documents related to the client's case; the Engagement Agreement; all correspondence with the client, intake forms and releases of information; detailed logs that indicate the day and amount of time spent on in-person meetings and/or telephone conversations with the client, witnesses or other persons related to intake, providing legal advice, case preparation; pleading and court document preparation,; court appearances; and any other work related to the case.
  • Store all records related to any legal representation under this contract in a separate, locked file cabinet accessed solely by The Spring's Legal Services Division Staff Attorney and/or in a software program or database, separate from any Provider participant database, secured and password protected, and accessed solely by the The Spring's Legal Services Division Staff Attorney
  • Permanently retain, and never destroy, client records related to The Spring's Legal Services Division Staff Attorney legal representations during the Project.
  • Establish the required Florida Supreme Court E-Portal account to file all court documents for the representations provided pursuant to this Project.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

AccountabilityAreas in which the position is accountable/responsible:
  • Records: Responsible for providing and maintaining accurate records being careful to meet audit requirements.
  • Safety: Ensures participant information remains confidential.
  • Customer Service: Maintains excellent rapport with survivors and community partners.

Supervision Responsibility:
  • None

Business-Related Contacts:
  • External: Survivors, DCF IFP Project Managing Attorneys, Community Partners
  • Internal: Spring Staff

  • Juris Doctor degree, Florida Bar membership and minimum of three years of litigation experience, preferably representing survivors of domestic, dating and sexual violence and stalking in injunction for protection proceedings and other civil legal matters, or prosecuting batterers in criminal proceedings.

Specialized or technical educational requirements:
  • Bilingual fluency in English/Spanish strongly preferred.
  • Proficient user of Microsoft Office programs. Demonstrated ability to learn internet based systems with minimal instruction, and to select and operate a client database.
  • Excellent research, writing and communication skills with both small and large groups of individuals.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to make appropriate decisions with minimal supervision.
  • Excellent record-keeping and report writing skills; attention to detail is a must.
  • Ability to initiate and facilitate dialogue between persons with disparate viewpoints and goals.

Specialized equipment or machines used in the course of duties of the position:
  • Personal Computer, printer, calculator and standard office equipment and machines as required.

Certification or licensing requirements:
  • Valid Florida Driver's License and two years driving experience and dependable transportation.
  • Requires 24-hour DCF Core Competency training.
  • Must be able to pass a level 2 background check.
  • Requires on-going 16-hours of DV related training after the first year.