
A Small Law Firm (formerly known as Reeves, Kahn, Hennessy & Elkins) is a well-established neighborhood law firm in SE Portland that appreciates hard work but values work-life balance. We are looking for an Oregon licensed attorney with litigation experience.

We are a general practice law firm that handles real estate and other civil litigation cases. A substantial part of our practice also involves probate administration and probate-related litigation, business formation, small business transactions and other contractual work. Our office has (free) onsite parking.

The terms of the position are negotiable. We are amenable to an "of counsel" relationship where the candidate is not an employee but is paid by utilizing a profit-sharing arrangement based on a percentage of fees collected; or we are open to hiring an associate that would be paid a base salary together with a profit-sharing arrangement based on fees collected. In either case, we will provide the office, receptionist, conference rooms, and pay the overhead involved in running a legal practice for this position. Having a book-of-business to bring to the firm and trial experience is a plus. We welcome candidates who want to practice in other areas we do not typically handle, including family law. Applicants should be able to work cooperatively and independently on cases.

Alternatively, we are seeking someone to rent our office space – we have a newly remodeled building. The front office is available with use of a receptionist, copier, postage meter, and conference room.