Closing Date: 17th February, 2025


Looking for a rewarding career and growth opportunity? The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) is seeking highly engaged talent to assist us in our mission to protect and restore the environment and foster a healthy and prosperous New Mexico for present and future generations. Come be a part of our great team for change! Learn more at:

As a valued new employee to the NMED, you will receive five (5) full days of leave in your leave balances right from your start date.

Why does the job exist?
  • The purpose of the position is to provide direct legal services to the Air Quality Bureau (AQB) of the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) by providing quality legal advice, representation, and advocacy for the Bureau's programs as may be assigned.

How does it get done?
  • Provide legal representation in administrative and judicial proceedings
  • Conduct legal review of and approve complex contractual documents affecting the EPD
  • Comprehend in depth, applicable procedural rules that govern the proceedings before Department's hearing officer, the Environmental Improvement Board, and the courts
  • Represent EPD and AQB in rule-making proceedings before the Environmental Improvement Board and the Department at all stages of administrative and judicial proceedings
  • Counsel and advise the ABQ, Department Secretary, and Deputy Cabinet Secretary on air quality issues and related natural resource legal and policy issues, and EPD management and staff regarding interpretation of court opinions, statutes, and rules where serious legal issues exist
  • Draft and review legal documents required for complex regulatory and compliance matters, and required for litigation including major pleadings
  • Work closely with the EPD Director and division personnel regarding agency procedures and practices
  • Consult with Department management to ensure consistent and correct application of existing statutes and rules
  • Interpret statutes including Air Quality Control Act, a wide array of rules, and court orders
  • Guide EPD and Department management of legal requirements for promulgating rules
  • Develop or revise rules, requiring in-depth familiarity with the relevant subject matter, statutory requirements, and EPD resources and processes
  • Advise Department senior management

Who are the customers?
  • New Mexicans to protect and restore the environment
  • Occasional contact with external Federal, State and Local regulatory bodies as well as contractors and environmental not for profit organizations
  • Internal staff

Ideal Candidate:
The ideal candidate will have experience in the following:
  • Possessing in-depth familiarity with various Departmental rules, regulations, and agreements governing the administration of the Environmental Improvement Act
  • Providing legal solutions in regulatory environments
  • Drafting regulations
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Representing clients
  • Multi-tasking under tight deadlines
  • Understanding objectives

Minimum Qualification:
Juris Doctorate degree from an accredited school of law. Must be licensed as an attorney by the Supreme Court of New Mexico or qualified to apply for limited practice license (Rules 15-301.1 and 15-301.2 NMRA). For more information on limited practice licenses, please visit